Become a Social Media Expert.




What I Offer at Glow Social. 

Want to become your own social media manager? If you would like social media training from an expert, I'll provide you and your team with the right knowledge you need to see your social media channels grow.

If you'd like to learn more, get in touch with me at Glow Social to arrange your free consultation.

Get In Touch.   Book Your Free Discovery Call.



Power Hours

Book a power hour with me and you will receive an hour long 1-to-1 session that focuses on the topic of your choice. If you're struggling to create a successful social media strategy or wondering what kind of content is right for your business, I can help you.

Whether you're a beginner or more experienced with social media, a power hour will boost your confidence and improve your understanding. We'll explore your problems together and find the right solution that will strengthen and grow your social media approach.

All power hour sessions take place on Zoom.

  • £150 p/hour

Book Now to Boost Your Social Media!


Training Session

Training sessions are personalised to you and your team depending on your needs and can cover both organic and paid social media approaches.

Prior to the training, we will have a discussion to discover your specific needs to help me determine what I need to include and how to personalise your session to ensure you and your team get what you need from the session. 

Sessions are usually 1.5 hours and take place on Zoom.

After the training, you will receive a recording of the session.

  • £245 for one 1.5 hour session

Lets Get a Firm Grasp.


Coaching Packages

Coaching packages consist of three 1.5 hour Zoom training sessions carried out over a period of three to four weeks.

Prior to the training, we will have a discussion to discover your specific needs to help me determine what I need to include and how to personalise your sessions to ensure you and your team get what you need from the training. 

You receive a recording of each session PLUS for 30 days following the final session, you can ask me any related questions. I'll also check at the end of the 30 days to see how you and the team are getting on.

  • £805 for one package of three 1.5 hour sessions

Let's get started.



If you would like to find out how a social media manager could help grow your London, Surrey or UK business, please contact me at Glow Social. on or 07876 136 311.

FREE Downloads!

Finding it difficult to consistently come up with ideas for Instagram? Grab my 75 Story Ideas download and get creating!!


You know you need to add call to actions to your posts but you don't know where to begin. Grab my 75 CTA Ideas download to get you started




Stay Connected

Want to hear about all the latest tips and tricks to improve your social media? Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn where I discuss all the latest trends that will help your business grow and thrive online.


Contact Glow Social.